Maintaining Professionalism

Your One-Stop Shop for CLEANING SERVICES in Melbourne

A) Communication with Customer

B) Arriving at pickup

C) Inspection of Property and items at pickup

D) Setting Customer expectations

Ask the customer their name and pronounce it correctly. This communicates respect for the customer and lets them know that they are important.

Be aware of your customer’s comfort zone and increase or decrease your distance accordingly. Adjust your behaviour when a customer shows that you are too close or too distant.

Be polite and have respect for your customers. Always use “please” and “thank you” and create an inviting environment for the customers.

Statements can sound harsh. Asking appropriate questions makes the conversation more collaborative. Ask about what items need to be moved.

Active listening is essential for effective communication. It allows for a better understanding of the customers’ needs and shows a willingness to help. Allow the customer to talk without interruption, reflect back their main question or concern and ask clarifying questions when necessary.

Ensure that each customer is aware that you understood their needs. By using active listening techniques and asking relevant questions, you will communicate that you understand them and are trying to help solve their problem.

Empower customers with adequate information to make informed decisions. When there are options, thoroughly describe each available alternative. Tell them that if they prefer to have more trips or would like to want to wait for bigger trucks. Ask them which items need to be moved on priority. By offering choices, customers will be more involved in solving their problems. This results in a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Engage in proactive steps to satisfy the customer’s needs. Being proactive will also help to reduce barriers when problem-solving. If any furniture or beds need to be dismantled, please discuss proactively with customers.

Customers are not always familiar with our company’s policies or procedures. Thoroughly explain to customers what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. A clear understanding tends to decrease customer frustration. Please avoid giving your personal opinion or judgement on other movers or moving companies.

Avoid technical terms, jargon and acronyms. Be professional, concise and clear.
While at work at the customer location, please ensure that you do not speak amongst yourselves in any other language than the language that you used to communicate with the customer.

When describing a product or service, including both its strengths and weaknesses relative to alternatives. By providing balanced recommendations, customers will view you as more credible. This increases trust and customer satisfaction.
If all items cannot be moved in 1 trip, ask customer if they are fine with 2 or more trips. If not, then ask them the items that they need to be moved on priority. Involve dispatch team in the discussion to ensure the customer expectations are set correctly.

Refer to the job description given by the dispatch team and if necessary, ask the customer to provide the copy of the email that describes the items to be moved. In case of any contentions, please transfer the call to the dispatch team to ensure that the customers’ expectations are clearly set. Always explain to the customer that they will be transferred to someone that can effectively address their problem. Ensure that the dispatch team is provided with the necessary information to help the customer.

Demonstrate through actions that the customer is important by giving more than the minimum effort required. By taking the initiative to provide better service or give the customer something extra, customers will feel valued and appreciated.

Summarise the main point of the conversation before engaging in the problem-solving process. This will demonstrate that you were listening attentively. It will also facilitate a mutual understanding between you and the customer. It’s important to create a great first impression!

E) Planning and preparing for the Move

F) Loading and securing the loan in the Truck

G) Arriving at the Drop-off

H) Inspection of property and items after unloading at Drop-off

I) Ensuring Customer Satisfaction

J) Securing Payment

  • Rate per hour
  • Call out
  • Special trolley Charges
  • Stairs Charges
  • Fuel Charges
  • Walking Distance Charges
  • Piano Charges
  • Packing material Charges
  • Any other Charges that may have been included in the job description
  • Advance received
  • Bank Transfer
  • Online through phone call to the dispatch team
  • Cash

K) Finalising and ready to take on the next

  • Job No:
  • Start time:
  • Finish time:
  • No of working hours:
  • Callout:
  • Advance:
  • Trolly:
  • Stairs:
  • Fuel:
  • Walking distance:
  • Piano:
  • Packing:
  • Total Amount:
  • Hourly rate:
  • Team name:
  • Mode of payment:

Professional Conduct and Ethical behaviour

Guidelines for avoiding Injuries and Hazards

Injuries during moves including broken fingers, back strains, injuries from slips and falls, and a lot of other such injuries. You have to be very careful when moving, keep your boxes light, and watch your footing to ensure you stay safe. But if you hire our local movers to load a truck, you won’t have to worry about this – we’ll take care of it all for you.

Identified hazards and controls

Musculoskeletal disorders


How to avoid it

Crush injury


How to avoid it